CSEN SEMESTER SPORT FEEDBACK – COORDINATORS (#39)ΔCSEN SEMESTER SPORT FEEDBACKThe CSEN Board is seeking feedback from sports coordinators and coaches on the structure and implementation of Semester Sport. Please provide your feedback to the questions below. Please note this is for future planning purposes. There will be no changes made this year. First NameLast NameEmailSchool NameRole: For example, Sport Coordinator or Basketball Coach etc. TEAM NOMINATIONSIn order to allow for the maximum number of rounds in the competition, team nominations were required at the start of Term 1. The purpose of this was to allow trials at the start of the year to work out teams. What is your preferred due date for team nominations? 10 December (year prior to competition) 20 January (in year of competition) 1 February (in year of competition)Any further comments regarding team nominations?GRADINGThe first team from each school in each sport was placed in Division 1. Any subsequent teams for that sport were placed in Division 2. The purpose of this was to create a robust Division 1 competition by eliminating the guesswork in grading teams.What is your preferred method of grading? First team from each school in each sport in Division 1 Sports Coordinators nominate a suggested Division for their teams CSEN selects the Division for each teamDo you have an alternative grading system we could use?Any further comments regarding grading?SPORTS ON OFFERWhich sports has your school entered in 2022?No Teams1 Team2 + TeamsGirls BasketballGirls SoccerGirls SoftballBoys FootballBoys NetballBoys VolleyballGirls FootballGirls NetballGirls VolleyballBoys BasketballBoys SoccerBoys Super 8sAre you happy with the sports available in each Semester? Yes NoAny further comments regarding sports on offer/semester breakdown?OTHER FEEDBACKFrom your experience this semester, what has been the best thing about the semester sport model?From your experience this semester, what has been the worst thing about the semester sport model?What solution would you propose for the worst thing?What is your ideal structure for sport going forward? Please note, there will be no changes made this year. This is for future planning purposes.If you have further feedback about the semester sport model for the CSEN Board to consider, please include this below.Submit Form